Collection of used or contaminated oil




Raw Material

Used oils contain products resulting from partial oil deterioration, such as oxygenates, high viscosity aromatic compounds, resins, and lacquers. Besides these partially deteriorated products, also present in used oil are additives that were added during the oil formulation process and various other components such as water, dust and other impurities.

The used oil re-refining process used by IPS is divided in the following steps:


1st - Receiving and Filtering

The used oil, received by IPS though its authorized collectors, is unloaded and homogenized. Shortly after, it is analyzed by Quality Control according to guidelines established by ABNT Norms. After approval, it is filtered and stored in specially designed tanks inside basins appropriate for this kind of storage.


Av. Arno da Silva Feijķ, nē 2777 - Distrito Industrial - Alvorada/RS | CEP: 94836-260 | Telefone: +55 (51) 3201.6050 - Fax: +55 (51) 3201.6100
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