
For more than 40 years IPS has each day carried out one of the most important jobs in favor of the environment--collecting and re-refining used or contaminated oil.  To collect and process this product so that it does not affect the environment is our business.  Collecting this oil keeps it from going into the soil, water, sewer, or harming other ecosystems.  Processing it contributes in minimizing aggressiveness to the environment, saves on environmental resources, as well as transforms this raw material into a high quality product.

We are proud of our job to care for and improve the heritage that nature gave to our world.



From a correct environmental management standpoint, Brazil is one of the countries with state-of-the-art technology in collection and adequate disposal of used or contaminated lubricating oils.  Collection and re-refining is only one part of IPS's jobs. We also extract basic oil from used and contaminated oils, which complements the company's service cycle. Collecting, re-refining and producing basic oil follows three fundamental principles of environmental policy of Brazilian Management Agencies--to reduce, reuse and recycle. The fruit of our activity is significant for communities because thanks to it, the oil that contaminates the water table, seas, soils, and food damaging the flora, fauna, and population can now be destined for appropriate use. Besides our business making this decisive contribution to our environment's equilibrium, our activity also cooperates in helping Brazil economize with foreign exchange because our country ends up importing less light petroleum to transform it into oil.

Concerned with the security and well being of our community, IPS maintains partnership with the Fire Department performing maintenance and up-keep on the vehicles of the 8th Alvorada Regional Fire Department.


Av. Arno da Silva Feijó, nº 2777 - Distrito Industrial - Alvorada/RS | CEP: 94836-260 | Telefone: +55 (51) 3201.6050 - Fax: +55 (51) 3201.6100
© 2009 IPS | Design by Conjunto Soul - Desenvolvido por Construtiva